Meaningful Participation Program

On Friday, December 15, 2023, the activity and credit changes were implemented.  Any previously approved credits will remain in your MPP account and the new listing will be used to determine the credit value per activity. For more information and to view and download a chart of the updated MPP credits, click here. 

Every faculty member with a standard appointment in the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine is required to participate in the Meaningful Participation Program. The program assures the involvement of faculty members and the reporting tool allows faculty to document their contributions within the School of Medicine. There are two components to the program.

MPP Components

  • Faculty Professional Development (Component 1) – 3 Credits Required:
    Professional development activities enhance the faculty member’s professional knowledge or their skills and abilities; such as conferences or workshops specific to medical education in a designated field of study.

  • Service Credits (Component 2) – 9 Credits Required:
    Service activities include committee, community, professional, academic or educational service that supports the vision and mission of OUWB School of Medicine.

Meaningful Participation Program

OUWB Professional Development & Service Activities Chart 

Meaningful Participation Program Helpful Tips



What is the Meaningful Participation Program?
The Meaningful Participation Program (MPP) enables Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine to assure the involvement of faculty members and enables OUWB faculty to document their contributions towards the School of Medicine.
Who is required to participate in the MPP?
Every faculty member with a standard appointment is required to participate in MPP.
What are the performance expectations for MPP?
The Meaningful Participation Program consists of two components:
  • Faculty Professional Development
  • Service

These components may be amended annually under the direction of the Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (CAPT) as outlined in the Bylaws.

Each faculty member with a standard appointment must:

  • Participate in the equivalent of three faculty professional development activities over the course of a three year period (appointment timeframe).
  • Obtain nine service credits over a three-year period.
  • To ensure the accurate crediting of activities and timely communication, each faculty member is asked to self-report his/her activities in the tracking tool provided by the School of Medicine on a regular basis.
  • Each faculty member must provide a Beaumont e-mail address to the MPP Administrators.
How are faculty required to report activity?

To ensure the accurate crediting of activities and timely communication, each faculty member is required to self-report his/her activities in the tracking tool provided by email from the School of Medicine on a monthly basis. The email contains directions on how to access the MPP tracking tool.

The tracking tool is not intended to replace your CV. You are only required to enter the following in the reporting tool in order to meet your requirements and to maintain your faculty appointment:

The following criteria will be used to monitor activity. Suggestions for improvement should be submitted to the Faculty Affairs coordinators at

Reporting Requirements for Faculty Professional Development - Three (3) Credits

Each faculty member with a standard faculty appointment is expected to complete three faculty professional development activities over a three-year period.

Activities may include:

Web-based activities may also be of value. Because of the diverse nature of these activities, in general, a 1-2 hour seminar or lecture will count as 1 activity.

Reporting Requirements for Service - Nine (9) Service Credits

Each faculty member with a standard faculty appointment is required to obtain nine service credits over a three-year period.

Service credits may be obtained through:

  • OUWB committee participation
  • OUWB Embark or PRISM Mentor
  • OUWB Application Screener or Admissions Interviewer
  • Health-related community service to outside and educational organizations
  • Authorship and presentations
How are clinical faculty re-appointed?

Faculty members who meet the faculty professional development and service requirements shall be re-appointed for another three-year cycle.

Faculty members who do not meet requirements shall forfeit their faculty appointment within OUWB. The school may consider a new application for re-appointment upon the recommendation from the appropriate department chair. At that time, the candidate, in partnership with his/her department chair, must identify the specific scope of responsibilities and the anticipated contributions to the academic mission of OUWB. Re-appointment recommendations for individuals who have lost their appointment are subject to the approval of the department chair, DCAPT, CAPT, Dean and the Oakland University Board of Trustees.

Individuals who have failed to meet MPP in two separate appointment time frames will no longer be eligible for a faculty appointment within OUWB. Faculty members who lose their faculty appointment may forfeit their opportunity to participate in the Physician Payer Adjustment Program (PPAP).

Contact Information

Deirdre Pitts, Ph.D., SCP-IPMA
Associate Dean for Faculty & Staff Affairs & Professional Development
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Janine DeWitte, M.Ed., PHR
Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs & Professional Development
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Michelle Knox, BS, CHRS
Manager of Faculty Affairs & Professional Development
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Brian December
Faculty Affairs Coordinator
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Katie Weyand
Faculty Affairs Coordinator 
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 

MPP Login Troubleshooting Tips

MPP Magic Link Tips:

For those of you that are having issues getting into MPP, please see our helpful tips below:

1. Try a different web browser, Chrome or Firefox work best 

2. Set your cookies to low

3. Clear your cookies and cache

4. If you copy and paste your email address into the magic link bar, make sure there are no spaces or irregularities

5. If your Beaumont or secondary email does not work contact

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